Thoughts on Independence Day

I meant to post this on July 4th, but with all of the holiday activities my family was involved in I just didn’t have time to get to a computer. We are at an interesting time in our country’s history and I want to share my thoughts on the holiday and what it means in this time of unrest.

  • As I posted a long time ago now, the level of political discourse in this country has got to improve. The fact is, and I know my left-leaning friends don’t want to hear this, it is just as much the fault of the Democrats as it is of the Republicans. It seems that our 2 parties would just rather fight than actually consider what might be in the best interests of our citizens. By the way I meant citizens…not illegal’s, you can tell me all of the reasons they are here and how they want to improve their lives, etc, etc, etc, but it is all bullshit. They are here committing a crime, and for any of us to justify it is absolutely sick. We need to pack them all up and send them back to whatever country they came from. If you want to come to America, come here legally, otherwise get the hell out.
  • Now to all of you Bush haters out there. I have stated on several occasions I am a conservative. I voted for Bush both times, but I recognize he has made some colossal screw-ups. At the same time, don’t keep blaming Americans for voting for him, blame your own idiotic party for not being able to run a candidate more compelling than Al Gore or John Kerry. For all of his faults, Bill Clinton was and is the ultimate politician. He not only knew how to read the shifting political winds, he also knew how to connect to people. If the Democrats want to take over the presidency next year I think they really need to get behind Obama, rather than Hillary, because even though I don’t support many of Obama’s positions he has that same ability to connect to people.
  • What bugs me about both parties is that they appeal to the extremist fringe and neglect the middle. A friend of mine who is left wing and I have lunch fairly often. While it is true we disagree on many things it is also true that we agree on many items. We spend so much time in this country looking at our differences that we neglect to focus on our areas of agreement. Polls show that the majority of people are somewhere in the middle. They may lean right on items like support for the military, but left on social issues, etc. I don’t think most people could go strait down the line and would find themselves on one side for every major issue our country faces. 
  • As I look at our country I want to make it clear that I am a conservative, not a Republican or a Democrat. I want to see the government tax us less, but in order to do that spending must be cut. Basically I want the government out of my life as much as possible. Unfortunately I see both major parties going in the opposite direction. They both want to make us dependent on them so we will continue to vote for them. Personally there are a great deal of enterprises I believe the government has no place in. Here’s what I want the government to do. Keep up the infrastructure (roads, police, fire, mail), protect our shores (military), and stay the hell out of everything else. We have developed a culture that believes it is the government’s job to take care of our needs. That is complete crap. It is our job to take care of ourselves.

OK, the political rant is over, now back to our normal programming.

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3 Responses to Thoughts on Independence Day

  1. Unknown says:

    🙂 Your biggest fan in California

  2. Eric says:

    wanted to comment on your Clinton comment.  Me personally, dont blame the voters for all of this stuff Bush & co. has put this country through.  I blam Bush for his propaganda of fear and deviding this country.  I also blame the Clintons.   I think that all the Monica stuff and what he did in the oval office…the impeachment process….it deflated the Democratic party…….they lost a lot of thier momentum and it had an effect on Americans.  Enough for Bush to steal it in Florida…so he could begin what they sat out to do,(no comment).  You have some good stuff in your archives. 

  3. christies says:

    Good analysis. You understand a lot of the issues and have a great deal of commitment to our country. You also understand that just as has been prophesied, there is something seriously wrong with the country and it seems like we\’re going downhill no matter which direction we go. I would definitely recommend that you consider a third-party. I agree that voting is a right, actually more than that — an obligation of citizens. That\’s why I believe that voting for someone you have serious problems with is pretty much a violation of that obligation, because the lesser of 2 evils IS evil, no matter how you dress it up. A lot of your sentinments match mine exactly and I\’ve found that The Constitution Party best represents me (, and even though you might think they don\’t have a chance, that\’s mostly because the media scares people into thinking they are "wasting their vote" when they vote for a 3rd party, when in reality they are violating their obligation by giving their vote to someone they don\’t really support. Also, you should look at this movie, made by a Hollywood producer who was looking to put an end to the people who say that the income tax and IRS was illegal and ended up finding a lot more, including some interesting truths about who really runs the Republicans and Democrats in this country (hint: it\’s the same people behind BOTH parties). you read and believe the Book of Mormon, you KNOW that there will be secret combinations in the last days. We are in the situation described in Helaman 7 and even beyond that. — Sorry for running on and on. I like your blog and enjoyed getting some of your thoughts… and now you have some of mine 🙂

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